3 Things You Shouldn't Do When Controlling Pests

Pests can be a nuisance, especially if they leave destruction in their wake. Unfortunately, many people only realize they have a pest problem when it's too late, which costs them more than what they would spend addressing the problem in the early stages. The moment you notice the signs of pests in your home, you should contact a pest control service. Here are three things you should avoid when controlling pests. [Read More]

3 Things You Can Do Right Now To Help Prevent A Costly Termite Infestation In Your Home

There is no doubt that termites can be one of the most destructive pests to infest your home. That is why it is so important to try and prevent this type of infestation before it takes place. Thankfully, there are some steps that you can take right now to help prevent a termite infestation in your home. Continue reading to learn more about three of these steps. Move Wood Piles And Outdoor Storage Away From The Exterior Of Your Home [Read More]

How To Get Skunks To Leave Your Property Alone

If you are tired of your house getting constantly sprayed, you more than likely have a skunk that is living on or near your property. If you want to enjoy a skunk-free home, there are a variety of methods you can try. Use An Ultrasonic Repellent Device An ultrasonic repellent device looks like a little stack that you put into the ground with a small solar panel on the top. An ultrasonic repellent device works by emitting a sound at a high frequency that people can't hear, but that animal can hear. [Read More]

Hiring Professional Lawn Care Services For Lawn Treatment

Lawns in any home serve a crucial landscaping and aesthetic function. However, the National Association for Landscape Professionals indicates that many Americans lack proper lawn care and maintenance knowledge despite a home lawn's importance. From the test sample size, 64 percent of Americans think all grass must be fertilized every spring, 57 percent believe that all lawns must be green to stay healthy, and 32 percent admit not knowing how often to water their lawns. [Read More]